No Purchase Necessary

Monday, January 14, 2008

What was supposed to be an easy 1-2hr ride lasted again, 5hrs. I'm slowly learning all of the "paved" routes to different destinations. And in doing so, I guess I've ridden my legs out of hibernation. Too bad the weather is only in the lower 60s and I'm not working on my tan lines. By this time the last couple of years, I would have already finished tanning and actually started racing in Phoenix. Oh well, Europe is a totally new experience and I'm just having fun so far. Right now I'm pretty pooped and hungry, which is why I'm not typing any Español. I'll just post some pics so you can enjoy while I eat and watch the football match. Adeu!


(match du futbol, go F.C.B.!)

(breakfast - scramby eggs, hot stack of crepes, muesli, orange, nutella, y cafe)

(saving 31grams for my ride by cutting out what I'll use for the day)

(very steep road out of Tossa de Mar)

(Tossa de Mar roundabout)

(looks like a fun road! -climb to Rocacorba)

(mi bicicleta)

1 comment:

Steve Driscoll said...


Looking good. Beleiev it or not, I think they have those crazy things in europe as well, I think they're call jobs? Might have to get a work visa though. Love & Miss ya!