I couldn't go much further hoy1, unless I had un barco o un hanglider2. Lately los Pirineos3 have been getting snow, so I've had to ride to the east along the Costa Brava4. But the temperature is warmer (16°C) and there are still plenty of climbs. I have certainly not come across an easy ride yet. If it isn't traffic, las rotondas de trafico5, gravel, dirt, uphill, or wind.. then I'm probably perdido y hambriento6. But I'm not complaining.
In case you are wondering, 'what's with the crazy words?' They call it Español7. I still can't make many sentences in Spanish or Catalan, dos8. But in my effort to learn, yo9 have decided to write at least a few words yo already know here. At least then you'll learn something from reading mi10 blog. I will put a mini reference at the bottom for now, but you might just be reading all Spanish soon, who knows. Really I've been so busy meeting people, site seeing, eating, sleeping, riding, you name it, and been getting by using Inglés11 and some survival Spanish! But I'm finally settled into a nice apartment in Girona. Hoy I'll just put up some photos that I've taken since I've been here (you can click on them to make larger). *Adios! y besos para las chicas!
1.today 2.a boat or a hanglider 3.the Pyrenees 4.Costa Brava 5.the traffic roundabouts 6.lost and hungry 7.Spanish 8.two (I maybe know 2 full sentences) 9.I 10.my 11.English *.You should already know this, the rest you have to look up!
1 comment:
It's Sam! She's EVERYWHERE!
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