i=5, j=1, k=2, l=3, m=0, o=6, p=*, u=4
H63a! S6rry ab64t the b36g, b4t 5'0 hav5ng techn5ca3 5ss4es w5th 0y 2eyb6ard. 5 need t6 b4y a 4sb 2eyb6ard n6w t6 0atch 0y 4sb 064se, b4t 5'0 n6t g5v5ng 4* 6n her yet!! 5 a0 s*end5ng th5s wee2end 5n barce36na after a he33 6f a wee2 tra5n5ng. f6r the b5g fans, 2ee* read5ng... 5 *4t 5n three c6nsec4t5ve 5hr days th5s wee2 *34s an6ther 2.5hrs t6day. t606rr6w 5 w533 r5de ab64t 1//2530eters t6 the c6ast w5th tw6 categ6r5zed c350bs! and then rest f6r the wee2end w5th fr5ends, cards, and beer. en16y the *h6t6s, that's a33 5've g6t
;wefjkh;fjkhsfjkn;sdjfhwe;jklfn'wjk';wejkjklwevfnsd;sdavn asdv/n'hwer'hwergfioperhl'wkgh'eroihg'ioergnsd'lkvfn'weoifn'wdlkkvfh'gnv'sdknv'sdlkvn'sdlkvgero'igh'qroign'lksdvn'sdlkvn'sdflero[gh'as'fh[o23wefkl'j'wlerkfj'klwefj'lewfkl'j'lkwejf'lwekjf'wekljf'weklfj'welkfj'wlekfj'weklfj'wlekfj'w3iu]0w9efu]wepofmw'fml;w'
Correct me if I'm wrong, but your entry is not written en espanol, no?
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